Some thank you's...

It has been a pleasure and a privilege for Ann and me to co-chair this project, ably assisted by our Project Facilitator, Memory. We have already expressed our thanks to all those involved in the Acknowledgements, without listing names. But there are some who deserve a special thank you...

Ben Cromarty

Ben Cromarty

Ann Sullivan

Ann Sullivan
Chelsea and Westminster

Memory Sachikonye

Memory Sachikonye
Project Facilitator

We are extremely grateful for the time and energy generously given by the Steering Group for this project:


Fiona Burns - University College London.

David Chadwick - James Cook Hospital.

Paul Clift - UK-CAB.

Cheryl Gower - NAT.

Alison Howarth - University College London.

Rebecca Mbewe - UK-CAB.

Sheila Morris - NHS Lothian.

Angelina Namiba - UK-CAB.

Laura Waters - Central and NW London Foundation Trust.

Secretariat; Medivents.

We also extend our thanks to all those on the 2018 Standards writing groups who reviewed all the material, and to all the others “behind the scenes” who helped us make this project come together.

There is more information about the need for this Guide, and how it was produced, on two posters (in pdf form). They can be found in the Downloads section.

But perhaps the biggest thanks go to the writer group, all from the community, who really made this guide possible!

Thank You


Ben Cromarty

Ben Cromarty

Roy Trevelion

Roy Trevelion

Rebecca Mbewe

Rebecca Mbewe